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Elias Martin, Francisco Xavier Freire


This article is the result of a process that seeks to understand the current configuration of school games in the municipality of Pontes and Lacerda/MT, where the realization of school games initially would be the guide axis of physical education classes in the schools of the municipalities. The growing tension between teachers established in the municipality and teachers outsiders is the starting point of our current studies. Through the action research methodology, we sought to identify the aspects that configure this new reality of school physical education in Pontes and Lacerda. At the same time, we try to base research on contemporary theories, recognizing the limits and possibilities of strategies, in which through the continued education of physical education teachers it is possible to create opportunities for constant reflection of pedagogical praxis, thus enabling change in pedagogical practice and consequently modifying this same reality. For the interview, five questions were elaborated that sought to understand the dynamics of teachers' planning, as well as the events and concepts that have influenced the teaching process learning physical education classes. It is evident the absence of the majority of managers in the monitoring of the teaching process learning in physical education and we also ask teachers about their specific needs of continuing education, where it is necessary a restructuring in which the various aspects of educational sport within school physical education are understood.

Keywords: School Physical Education, continuing education, research in action.


This article is the result of a process that searches to understand the current configuration of the school games in the city of Pontes e Lacerda state of Mato Grosso, where the first would be the guiding principle of physical education classes in local schools. The growing tension between teachers established in the town and outsiders was the starting point of our current studies. Through the methodology of action research sought to identify the aspects that characterize this new reality of physical education in Pontes e Lacerda and at the same time be based on contemporary theories, recognizing the limits and possibilities of strategies through which continuing education of physical education teachers create opportunities for unremitting reflection of teaching practice, allowing change of teaching practice consequently thus altering this same reality. For the interview were elaborated five questions sought to better understand the dynamics of teacher planning, as well as the events and concepts that has influenced the process of teaching learning education classes, become clear the absence of most managers in monitoring the process of teaching learning in physical education, also we inquire to teachers about your specific needs of continuing education where it is necessary be restructured in which to understand aspects of the sport educational within the school physical education.

Keywords: Physical education, continuing education, action research.

Palavras Chave

Elias Martin, Francisco Xavier Freire

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