Raquel Firmino Magalhães Barbosa, Rafael de Moraes Gomes.
Knowing that the body is our greatest heritage, the concern to keep it healthy becomes a great challenge. Therefore, the importance of knowing the benefits in the area of quality of life in the search for a healthy body and the effects of physical activity on health. The aim of this study is to present the main concepts about physical activity and its elements and the relationship with the level of physical fitness and heart rate, based on discussions about its historical evolution and the paradigm of active lifestyle. And from this, answer: What is the importance of physical activity to have a healthy life? What is the importance of knowing how to measure HR during exercise? Forty-four students of the Bachelor's degree in Physical Education at the University of Cuiabá - UNIC participated in this study. Questionnaires were applied for data collection and two cardiorespiratory activities so that we could verify, in practice, the trajectory of heart rate during exercise. The procedures performed for the data processing were the statistical method and the analysis was developed descriptively and exploratoryly, through the comparison between genders, age group, active individuals, sedentary individuals, types of physical activity practiced and heart rate behavior. According to the analysis, 81% of the individuals are active, practice diversified activities during leisure time. Men were more active than women, and these were more sedentary, especially over 30 years of age. Regarding heart rate during exercise, it increased progressively during activities from mild to high intensity, and showed a decrease in the beats during recovery, indicating the level of cardiorespiratory capacity of the individuals. This study, then, presented as the main contribution the awareness about the importance of physical activity in leisure time, the health benefits, a healthy diet and the improvement in physical fitness levels, as a set of fundamental elements for the acquisition and maintenance of quality of life.
Keywords: Body, physical activity, heart rate.
Knowing that the body is our greatest heritage, the concern to keep it healthy becomes a great challenge. Therefore, the importance of knowing the benefits in the area of quality of life in the search for a healthy body and the effects of physical activity for health. The objective of this study is to present the main concepts of physical activity and its elements, and the relationship to the level of physical fitness and heart rate, from discussions of its historical development and the paradigm of an active lifestyle. And from this, answer: What is the importance of physical activity for a healthier life? How important to know to measure the heart rate during exercise? The study included 44 students of Bachelor of Physical Education at the University of Cuiabá - UNIC. Been applied questionnaires to collect information’s and two cardiorespiratory activities to verify, in practice, the trajectory of heart rate during exercise. The procedures carried out for the treatment of information was the statistical method and analysis was developed in a descriptive and exploratory, by comparing gender, age, physically active and sedentary types of physical activity and heart rate behavior. According to the analysis, 81% of individuals are active, practicing diversified activities during leisure time. Men were more active than women and were more sedentary, especially above 30 years. In relation to the heart rate during exercise, has risen gradually during the activities of the high light intensity, and showed a drop of beats during recovery, indicating the level of the cardiorespiratory capacity of individuals. This study then presented as the main contribution to awareness about the importance of physical activity during leisure time, the benefits to health, a healthy diet and improving levels of fitness, as a set of elements for the acquisition and maintaining the quality of life.
Keywords: Body, physical activity, heart rate.
Raquel Firmino Magalhães Barbosa, Rafael de Moraes Gomes.